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  • Writer's pictureAnoop Amin

Cash Flow Forecasting: A Key Tool For Financial Health

Updated: Mar 28

Are you worried about whether your business will have enough cash to thrive in the coming months? Or perhaps you're contemplating a big investment or capex but are unsure if the timing is right? This is where cash flow forecasting steps in as an essential tool for your business's financial health. 

Who is a Virtual CFO?

virtual CFO is a proven solution to close the bridge for growing SMEs that need a financial executive but don’t yet have the revenue to invest in a full-time CFO. Relying on Virtual CFO services closes the gap for small to midsize businesses that are growing to the point that they need a financial executive but who don’t yet have the revenue to invest in a full-time CFO.

Who is a Full-time CFO?

A full-time CFO is a senior executive in charge of the company’s financial actions. They are often in charge of keeping track of cash flow, analyzing the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and keeping an eye on all aspects of the company’s financial success. They exist within the company and are not hired from the outside.

Following are the four major differences between an In-house CFO and a Virtual CFO.


IN-HOUSE CFO: Most of the time, a full-time CFO is in charge of a company’s financial matters. The CFO of a company is in charge of the accounting department and must answer to the company’s employees, shareholders, and board members. One of the CFO’s most important jobs is to make a financial plan for the company’s future. To do this, he or she can use the knowledge of the whole accounting staff.

VIRTUAL CFO: Conversely, a virtual CFO offers all the services that a traditional CFO would, but they are only delivered when the organization requests them. Virtual CFO services can do everything an in-house CFO can do, but you will only get the services you ask for, and less responsibility will be taken care of.

Remote Reach

IN-HOUSE CFO: Hiring an expert who works at the office is likely to be more familiar with the local rules, regulations, and requirements related to business and finance. 

VIRTUAL CFO: A virtual CFO is often exposed to global accounting standards. If you hire a virtual CFO services India, you can be sure that they will provide services in accepted worldwide formats. This is very helpful when doing business globally. A VCFO can help you adopt international norms and define a new growth model to meet your goals.


IN-HOUSE CFO: When you recruit someone to work in-house as your chief financial officer, you should give them at least two to three months to become familiar with your company’s operations and organizational finances. Meanwhile, you cannot anticipate that your CFO will provide the highest possible level of productivity. In addition, the loss of production in just a few months might set your company back several years.

VIRTUAL CFO: On the other hand, a “virtual team” of CFOs is trained to work in different business situations and with different accounting software. They also know how to deal with financial documents, team members, coordination, etc. So, a virtual CFO can immediately speed up your business’s productivity because they don’t have to spend as much time learning the ins and outs of your business’s finances and accounting software as a dedicated, on-site CFO might.



INHOUSE CFO: The salary could be the biggest problem with hiring a full-time CFO. The average pay for a CFO is more than ₹40 lakhs per year. This doesn’t include the cost of health care or other benefits. Also, you usually give out bonuses, commissions, or some kind of share of the profits. 

VIRTUAL CFO: If you hire a Virtual CFO by the hour, you have to pay for all the services he can provide for the same. In the first contract, both sides will agree on a fixed rate. You then don't have to pay virtual CFO solutions as you pay for someone who is on a full-time job. By doing this you also save 60-80% per year if you take temporary CFO services, or by the hour, or someone for a specific project. 

Do you think an expert CFO can help your business meet profitability? It’s time for you to contact us  today.

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